Two Sparrows
    At just 18 months my son knows just how to show mommy he loves her. He can be a trial at times, he may or may not get this from me, but at the end of the day he has shown me unconditional love.
    As all of you know we are going on day seven without the hubs. Its gotten easier, as Monday hit and things started needing done. I still feel like a part of my heart is a thousand miles away, which it is, it is currently sitting in a class room in Ohio just over a thousand miles away. Back to the point I suppose, I think I could go on about how much I love my other half for days if I let myself.
    Friday afternoon with tears running uncontrolled down my face I kissed my husband good bye for the week. Uncontrolled is exactly how my tears stayed for the rest of the day. I had my weekly midwife appointment and after that tried to get through the rest of the evening. At one point in the late afternoon I took Corey to the bathroom. He is still in diapers for the most part but between changes I will put him on the potty to try and go pee. As he sat on the toilet, I sat on the edge of the tub next to him. My tears started to fall again. He looked at me with a look that said he knew my pain, but wasn't sure if he really did. He reached out towards me, touched the tear rolling down my face and gently wiped it away. He did so in the same fashion I wipe his when he is hurting. He didn't know why I was crying but because his love for me is untainted by age, knowledge, and all the things that come with growing up, he gently moved his toddler sized hand across my cheek.
    I know he doesn't quite understand where daddy is, or really that he is even gone. In 48 hours we will get to be reunited with our leading man. Corey will get his daddy and playmate, and I will get my heart and soul mate. I know all three of us are greatly looking forward to the next couple of days passing as quickly as they know how. 

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